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0005 - JavaScript dependency management

Status: Accepted

Date Accepted: 07/11/2022

Reviewers: #g-frontend


This ADR uses Tabs to separate specific code or documentation between the npm-cli and the classic yarn-cli.


Truss leverages both NPM and Yarn for dependency management for JavaScript projects. While these tools accomplish similar tasks, there are different in ways they operate. Teams who choose one tool over the other, must have documentation related to managing dependencies specific for their that team.

Truss can provide best practices for how to manage JavaScript dependencies that can be used as a starting point for a team's or project's specific tooling around dependency management. This ADR seeks to do just that.

The specific areas this ADR covers are the following:

  • dependency resolution
    • version locking
  • updating dependencies
  • working with files such as: package.json, package-lock.json, and yarn.lock.

JavaScript Dependency Management Tool

Truss recommends that projects use NPM instead of Yarn as it is included with Node and has commercial support. Projects that leverage Yarn or any other JavaScript Dependency Management Tool (JDMT from now on) will need to document this in ways outside of the scope of this ADR.

This ADR is not meant to endorse one JDMT over the other and ultimately places the decision on engineering teams using these tools. There are certain ways these tools work together and this document will aim to cover those scenarios equitably.


When dealing with JavaScript dependencies and JDMT, there are certain files that are always in-play. These files include a package file and a lock file which stores the version installed of these packages. This decision covers some of the ways to do this in either Yarn or NPM.

Dependency resolution

Regardless of the JDMT being used, there will always be a package.json file which will contain the three different sections for dependencies. When it comes to installing dependencies in these sections, ensure that any commands for the JDMT leverage the exact version that you are trying to install.

installing all dependencies in NPM
>_ npm install


  • listed in "dependencies": {} in package.json
  • needed for the site work
  • example: the site won't work in production without React
installing react version 1.0.1 exactly using NPM as a dependency
>_ npm install --save-exact react@1.0.1

Development Dependencies

  • listed in "devDependencies": {} in package.json.
  • used in development, but not production
  • example: we use Prettier to format code
installing prettier version 1.0.1 exactly using NPM as a development dependency
>_ npm install --save-exact --save-dev prettier@1.0.1

Peer Dependencies

  • listed in "peerDependencies": {} in package.json
  • used to express the compatibility of your package with a host tool or library
    • typically only found in packages intended to be published to NPM
  • works with or alongside another library
  • example: @material-ui/icons works with @material-ui/core

Version locking

You will notice that all of the packages listed are set to specific versions (instead of a range using the ^ or ~ characters). This is to help ensure that installing dependencies is deterministic and it also means we are in full control of all version updates.

By default, JDMT will use the ^ caret character for the version which does not lead to control of what version get installed when running the JDMT installation command. Avoid using semantic version ranges when install dependencies by using some of the commands listed above around installation.

Updating dependencies

There is currently no way to accomplish this at the command-line in an interactive manner.

It's a good idea to start with low-risk updates and work your way up from there. The goal of doing this on a regular basis is not to update all packages to their most recent versions all the time. Most likely you will not be able to do this! The goal should be instead to update as many as possible with as little effort as possible. That means starting with packages that are only used during development (devDependencies), that have minor or patch updates (which should in theory mean no breaking changes), and that can be easily tested with automated checks. This might mean starting with low hanging fruit such as testing tools, linting plugins, type definitions, etc. Gradually work your way towards dependencies used by the application itself & in production.

Part of deciding whether or not to update a package should probably involve actually looking for the changelog of what the update includes. Depending on the library, this can be easy or not to find. Some libraries use GitHub releases to track versions and changes; others will publish upgrade guides on their websites; some might stick changes in a file, and others might not publish changes at all. But knowing what is actually changing in the code when you update a package can help immensely with having the confidence that nothing will break, as well as knowing what part of the code might be affected and what to test.

Another tip is to update related packages together. For example, it's often the case that all @storybook packages will need to be updated at the same time to maintain compatibility. react and react-dom have the same requirement. This is where having a reasonable understanding of what the packages are and how/why they're used comes into play.

An example update path might look like:

  • Update all eslint related packages/plugins
    • Run the linter to make sure there are no new issues
  • Update all Jest/testing-library related packages
    • Run the tests to make sure there are no new test failures
  • Update packages related to the compilation/build config (such as Babel, TypeScript, etc.)
    • Run the build to make sure it still compiles without errors
  • Update all Storybook packages
    • Run Storybook to make sure the build still works
  • Update production dependencies grouped by feature/function/runtime
    • i.e., next, @opentelemetry, apollo-server, etc.
    • Run the application in both development & production modes, test manually
    • Run automated tests

What about code changes?

What happens when a package update requires code changes? In theory, if following strict semantic versioning, patch & minor updates never should. However, not all packages follow semantic versioning, and also all packages are (probably) maintained by humans, who make mistakes. Required changes might fall under any of the following categories:

  • Small, semantic or not functionally different, documented code/API changes
  • More substantial, documented changes that might have a functional impact
  • Undocumented changes needed because of unexpected issues or edge cases

When & how you make these changes can be a gut feeling based on the situation. If an update requires making a small change in a handful of places, that could be easily completed as part of the regular update cadence. If an update requires an easy change but one that will cause a diff in many files (such as a renamed import), it might make sense to isolate that on a separate branch. If an update requires upgrading several packages at once, and/or also making substantial code changes, that should probably also be done on its own.

Ultimately, the goal is to minimize risk by ensuring that whatever changes you do make can be easily tested, and if an issue is found it's straightforward to either debug or roll back from. That all comes down to identifying what package introduced the issue, and how to resolve it. If a change involves updating many packages and making many code changes at once, that will be much more difficult.

Working with files used and generated by JDMT

When working with either Yarn or NPM, there are Lock files that are generated by the JDMT. These files should be checked into version control. The Lock files should never be edited directly. If merge conflicts occur, run the JDMT command to regenerate the Lock file to resolve conflicts.

Lock files prevent updates to both top-level dependencies and the dependencies of those dependencies as well. This is one of the main reasons for making sure that these files remain in your version control system.

Dealing with Lock files as binaries

Since Lock files should not be edited by hand, it's a good idea to have Git treat them as binary files so that they don't produce any visual diffs. You can achieve this by having a .gitattributes file define that they are binary files rather than plain text.

package-lock.json binary

Enforcing a particular JDMT

It's important to outline in the project documentation which JDMT is being leveraged by the project. Mixing both Yarn and NPM is not a good idea. One of many ways to enforce one over the other is to have the generated file of the JDMT that you want to ignore in the .gitignore file. This way if someone uses the incorrect JDMT they won't be able to commit the generated Lock file.

# other gitignore directives


# other gitignore directives

Why is this Applicable to the Practice as a Whole

This is applicable to the whole practice because JavaScript is a popular language with many ways to manage dependencies. With this guidance, Truss teams will be in a much stronger place regarding dependency management and documenting that process within the context of their own projects.

When to Not Implement This Decision

There's no need to implement this decision if the project isn't being managed by a JDMT or doesn't contain any JavaScript.

Alternatives Considered

A main option here is to use the defaults that JDMT contain around versioning and tooling. This isn't always ideal.

This ADR heavily borrows from the following links: