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Style Guide

In addition to consistent design of the API, a consistent style is also important.

The details of a style guide are often a matter of personal opinion, but the most important aspect is simply consistency.

Here's one example for the MilMove Prime API.

  • All URLs must be in kebab-case, however any parameters listed in the URL documentation must be in camelCase.
  • All resources must be plural.
  • All JSON response payloads must use camelCase for all keys.
  • All simple resource identifier keys, with no prefix, should be lowercase id.
  • All keys suffixed with ID in response payloads should be capitalize ID, so shipmentID is correct - not shipmentId or shipmentid.
  • All timestamps are post-fixed with At, such as updatedAt, createdAt.

It does not matter if you choose a different style than what is described here, just that you define it and stick with it.


A good way to ensure compliance is to use a linter. If you are using a yaml format such as OpenAPI to define the REST API, you can use Spectral as a linter.

In this sample ruleset we use on MilMove, you can see examples that enforce some rules of the above style guide.