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Web Applications in Go

This section is meant to contain some of the lessons Truss has had with building web applications in Go. It borrows from the format of Effective Go along with some lightweight "starter templates", to provide some basic standards and patterns we follow. Code samples are not meant to be "copy and paste" ready, but provide fundamental principles that can be incorporated into various applications, frameworks, and packages.

We attempt to use plain Go code when possible, but package code may be incorporated or pseudocoded to mimic production use cases.

Application Layers

Defining application layers is crucial to a maintainable API or web service. Picking responsibilities and contracts across layers can define how an application grows and how long code iterations in a mature codebase will take. In Go, these layers will likely take the form of packages. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to defining the contract of these packages, but we'll attempt to define some common patterns and inform future approaches.


The term "handler" is used to describe the layer that accepts HTTP requests and returns a response. While it may vary in implementation between different libraries, the term comes from the Go standard library HTTP Package.

The responsibility of a handler is to accept an HTTP request, delegate the work to complete the request, and respond based on error or success scenarios. Business logic, database code, etc. should not be in a handler.

It should look rather declarative with error and success cases drawing two vertical lines via indentation. Here's a trimmed down example of a basic GET handler:

package handlers

type getDogHandler struct {
// service implementation, we'll get back to this later
fetchDog FetchDog
//logger implementation may vary, we'll psuedocode for this example
logger Logger

func (h *getDogHandler) handleGetDog(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// the only work here is getting params
// the marshalling likely would be delegated to a middleware in production
p := dogGetParams(r)

// offload querying to a service `fetchDog`
dog, err := h.fetchDog(p.DogID)

// the error parallel
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Could not fetch dog!", http.StatusInternalServerError)

// the success parallel
// marshalling here is also likely to be handled by some middleware

Testing Handlers

Handlers will likely become the entry point for integration testing main workflows. They can be spun up with full service layer implementations and tested for high priority requests flows (ex. success paths). Be careful to limit integration tests here, as they can quickly slow down the application. If the integration tests become complex, it's a good indicator that the application logic for that handler is due for a refactor.

Unit testing handlers often involves mocking service layers. From there, they will answer the question of: "given a set of service layer responses, what response does the handler return?" This verifies the response/request responsibilities of the handler, and can be used to test edge cases with little test performance impact.

Composing Handlers

Handlers, and middlewares more generally, can greatly benefit from being written as "adapters". You can then compose very complex flows out of many smaller parts, which is really just another expression of the Unix philosophy.

When building adapters, please ensure the signature of the returned type is http.Handler, even if the underlying implementation is an http.HandlerFunc... All http.HandlerFuncs are http.Handlers, but not all http.Handlers are http.HandlerFuncs.


Put simply, models describe data. They are agnostic to the data source (JSON over HTTP, in-memory data structures, DB tables, etc.), however in many cases the term will be used synonymously with data queried from a DB.

The model code should provide the structure of the data along with methods dictating how outside sources interact with it.

For example, here's a pretty simple example of a model struct for a dog.

package models

type Dog struct {
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"`
Name string `json:"name" db:"name"`
Owner Owner

It has a a unique ID, name, and Owner. The latter being a struct that encompasses an association.

The field tags follow the syntax patterns for the json and sqlx packages. This is not to prescribe specific packages, but to provide a more decorative example that may be encountered in a Truss codebase.

Interacting with this model is likely going to happen in two ways:

  1. marshalling from an outside data source
  2. modifying/viewing the data in Go (ex. executing business logic).

Marshalling Models

In the most basic cases of accepting an HTTP request or writing/reading from a SQL DB, marshalling is unlikely to happen manually. Many web app frameworks or DB connectors/ORMs are going to handle that hidden by their public APIs and provide convenience query methods or, in the case of JSON HTTP requests, parameter wrappers for handlers. Within a handler or service, the model is likely to be accessed only in its Go struct form. If you're curious what that marshalling code might look like, you can look at this json blog post or take a look at some of the sqlx column mapping code that works in tandem with the sql standard library. We'll get more into the interaction between those packages and our application code in the next section about services.

Working with Models in Go

In the second case, we need to utilize our models to store results of our application logic. After all, model structs and databases don't deliver client value on their own. Let's take a look back at our dog model and perform some operations.

First, let's try to add a dog.

package models

type Dog struct {
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"`
Name string `json:"name" db:"name"`
Owner Owner

Elsewhere in the code, we create a new dog and save it.

package services

func MyDogFunc(name string, owner Owner) (Dog, error) {
dog := Dog{}
dog.Name = name
dog.Owner = Owner
// Save is an external method to interface with DB passed as dependency
return dog, nil

Notice how our data source is queried entirely outside of the model. This allows us to separate the model structure and the dependencies such as external packages for DB connectors or the type of database itself. Using this separation helps to isolate data source specific code, allowing mutability of underlying infrastructure and enforcing code reuse.

Let's say our Owner can leave the application, and in this case the owner's dogs should also be marked as inactive. We want our Dog model code to maintain this constraint.

Here's a method to demonstrate that relationship:

package models

type Dog struct {
// ...
Status Status

type Owner struct {
Dogs []Dog
Status Status

func (o *Owner) Deactivate() {
o.Status = Inactive
dogs := o.Dogs[:0]
for _, dog := range o.Dogs {
dog.Status = Inactive
dogs = append(dogs, dog)
o.Dogs = dogs

The purpose here is to set up the public model API to only allow valid modifications throughout the codebase. We've explicitly linked the dog and owner to enforce any data constraints. Similar methodology may follow for reactivating the owner, changing a dog's owner, etc. Note that in many cases when writing Go code, we'd set parameters like these as unexported to avoid invalid state changes, however this isn't possible due to required exposure by DB/JSON packages that will use the model's public fields.

We've continued to separate any DB concerns to outside the model. For example, it's likely we'd want to wrap these changes in a transaction:

package services

func DeactiveOwner(owner Owner) error {
transaction := db.Transaction.Begin()
err := transaction.Save(owner)
if err !=nil {
return err
err = transaction.Save(owner.Dogs)
if err !=nil {
return err
err := transaction.Save(owner)
return nil

Separating the database concerns from the model allows us to interact with them separate of the data structure concerns. Since models have to be passed via struct to marshall their fields and are commonly used across codebase layers, adding too many methods and dependencies can cause excessive package imports across the codebase. For example, if we wanted to use a locking feature specific to Postgres or our database connector library, we can make those changes independent of the model, allowing the model to be reused elsewhere without pulling in possibly irrelevant packages or patterns. It also allows for isolating experiments and changes to a small portion of the codebase, rather than propagated them throughout all model usages.

Where/When to Write Query Code

The above examples make use of an abstracted dependency for a DB connector. In reality, any ORM or query interface is likely to be much more complex than Fetch/Save. As data requirements become more complex, it becomes much harder to maintain models as purely structural. It's hard to make an exact recommendation for Go code structure as data requirements may vary considerably. Backends could vary from REST APIs, highly normalized SQL tables, serialized document stores, sparsely column oriented data, and so on.

Some general considerations when organizing query code are:

  • If query patterns vary greatly for individual models, consider tying them closer to the business logic they mirror (such as a service layer).
  • If individual query patterns satisfy multiple models, consider a separate query layer that can abstract/share code. When designing something like this, be wary of over-abstracting and reinventing a query language/ORM.
  • If models are single use (ie. they are queried and fetched in one way), adding query code to the model may make sense. Note though, models are often shared across multiple code layers, and due to struct field marshalling, cannot utilize interface abstractions. Keeping models as simple as possible (ie. without save/fetch methods), keeps code changes from propagating across the codebase and becoming unmaintainable.

Testing Models

Theoretically models should have little responsibility other than struct definition. Any exported methods should be unit tested, such as data validations or state change methods, like above.

Model References


So, we have handlers, which delegate a request/reponse flow and models that describe data. Where does the application logic go? Into the service layer! The service layer is where work gets delegated from a handler. The pattern is borrowed from other languages like Ruby, where controllers and models get encumbered with multiple responsibilities. The service layer becomes a space for single use, reusable objects (service objects) to be built out. This layer will often be referred to as "business logic" or "application logic", but it's more or less what makes your application/API useful to a client. It's also where the various package dependencies of the application are likely to meet, answering the question of "how do I accomplish the client need with the given dependencies?"

Let's take a look at an example! In our dog application, it's unlikely all we want to do is create dogs in a database. Let's say the purpose of the application is to show the user how cute a dog is given various attributes.

Our handler may look something like this:

package handlers

type CalculateCutenessScore = func(dogID uuid.UUID) (int, error)

type getCutenessScoreHandler struct {
calculateCutenessScore CalculateCutenessScore
//logger implementation may vary, we'll psuedocode for this example
logger Logger

func (h *getCutenessScoreHandler) handleGetCutenessScore(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// like above we've deferred marshalling for this example
p := dogGetParams(r)

// offload calculation to service function
score, err := h.calculateCutenessScore(p.DogID)

if err == errors.CatchableError {
h.logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Could not calculate cuteness for dog %v", p.DogID), err)
} else if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Could not calculate dog's cuteness!", http.StatusInternalServerError)


The handler here is not too much different than our GetDog example above. We've changed from GetDog to GetCutenessScore and likewise updated the service definition. We've also updated the error catching to be a little more robust. In this case, we've defined a "catchable error" to demonstrate when we should return a default case to the client and log an error. Then we default to 500 when unknown errors appear.

The service definition is passed into the handler as a dependency, but unlike in the original handler definition, we've also defined the service contract. This is important to understanding services, so let's dive in a little deeper.

First let's look at a possible service definition for the cuteness score.

package services

// NewCalculateCutenessScore return an implementation for calculating dog cuteness
func NewCalculateCutenessScore(db Database) func(dogID uuid.UUID) (int, error) {
return func(dogID uuid.UUID) (int, error) {
dog := models.Dog{}
err := db.Fetch(&dog, dogID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
nameAsInt := strconv.Atoi(dog.Name)
// they're all good dogs brent
cutenessScore := nameAsInt%10 + BRONT_ADDER
return cutenessScore, nil

So, we've added a new implementation for cuteness score to the services package. It returns a function that can calculate cuteness for a given dog ID. The dependencies, like the Database connector, are passed into the function generator and hidden from the return value. This return function, along with its dependencies, is created when the server is configured. The constructor will be called once, whereas the returned function will be called per request.

Notice how this definition is independent of the definition in the handler (in a different package). The handler only needs to know what is required to return a score, it does not need to know how. Developing the implementation independently allows us to easily swap out function implementations if the user, client, or dependency requirements ever change. For example, what if the cuteness score changes to be out of 100 instead of 10? Instead of dealing with that in a handler, which we've defined as being responsible for request/response satisfaction, it's segmented to the service function/package. Likewise, if we want to use a new DB connector, the dependency for the service will change, but the handler will be agnostic to that difference. If we reuse the calculator elsewhere, changes will not have to be updated sparsely across the handlers codebase.

Be careful when defining pointers or values in the service functions. Pointers in a closure can create concurrency concerns between handlers or any multi-threaded code within them. On the flip side, using values could create excessive memory usage if a service function is called repetitively.

Testing Services

The focus on testing services should be unit testing business logic. These tests will likely follow feature workflows. An example from above would be: given a dog with X characters in its name, what is its dog score? This layer is ripe for testing with table driven tests (ex. given this array of dog names, what are their scores).

Avoid over-testing dependencies, and attempt to mock them when possible (such as DB calls), especially expensive or unknown resources such as third party APIs. These are likely to create long and flaky tests.

Service Resources

There are three patterns worth understanding are:

  1. Service Objects in Go. This demonstrates the origin of the pattern, where single function structs/interfaces are used to encapsulate work.
  2. How to Use Go Interface. This guide will provide a "Go" styling to interfaces. Rather than use global objects (like in Ruby) or tightly coupled interfaces/classes (Java), we'll keep interfaces close to usage (the handler in this case), and implementations will implicitly satisfy those contracts.
  3. What is a Closure. Taking the "one function interface" pattern a step further, we can utilize Go's first class functions and closures to simply pass the function rather than struct, removing a layer of indirection.

General Patterns

This section is for patterns that don't fit into the specific layers defined above or should be used throughout all of them.
