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Standard Delivery Pipeline

The following is a standardized workflow for developing and deploying our code using CI/CD. This is meant to be an example, not a prescriptive ideal; if your project needs to use a different workflow, that's fine. Your goal should still be to provide a workflow that can support frequent updates, good testing, and prompt deploys.

Developing Your Code

Here at Truss, we generally use Git for our code repository, and Github more specifically. Our preferred method for making changes and integrating them into the project is relatively simple:

  1. Check out the repository for my-project.
  2. Create a new branch my-feature in the repository.
  3. Make your changes to the code and commit them, then push your code to the central repository.
  4. Create a pull request, get approvals, and then merge your my-feature branch into the default branch.

The virtue of this workflow over more complicated methods like the one shown here is that we are constantly merging to the default branch, so the drift of any specific branch from the default branch is kept to a minimum. The idea of more frequent small changes over less frequent large changes is a fundamental aspect of many development practices (such as Agile). The core of this belief is that things which break the the application can quickly be noticed, isolated, and rolled back (or fixed), without requiring a lengthy period of diagnosis, or requiring delicate operations to pull out problem code without sacrificing code which is benign.

This process is known as continuous integration or CI (because code is constantly being integrated into the mainline of the project). Its relative simplicity belies the fact that it also requires a great deal of additional work to ensure that this process can occur without disrupting the project's development.

Unit Testing

Key to ensuring that our CI workflow is safe is making sure we are doing unit testing of our code prior to merging in to the default branch. To do this, we use CI to run a battery of tests against every branch we create a PR from. We want to run a variety of tests that cover a variety of things like:

  • Code formatting and syntax
  • Acceptance testing for configuration
  • Functional code testing

Our goal is to be as sure as possible before anyone even looks at the pull request that this code does what we want and won't break things.

Deploying Our Code

Merging your code is just the first step to actually getting it in front of a real person to use it. The other component for this how your code gets from a Git repository into a live environment where someone can touch it. This workflow is orchestrated via CI, and looks something like this:

  1. New code is merged into the default branch.
  2. CI detects that the default branch has been updated and deploys the code to our development environment.
  3. CI checks to make sure the deploy was successful. Is our environment running the right version of the code?
  4. CI performs post-deployment testing. Does it pass some functional tests to ensure user workflows are functional (eg, can someone log in, pull up a user record, put things in a shopping cart, etc)? Are logs filling up with error now that the new version is deployed?
  5. If the tests pass, CI goes ahead and deploys to our production environment, then runs the same sort of tests it ran in development. In some cases, there may be an additional manual approval step, or this may be a deployment to a staging environment as an additional step prior to "real" production.

This means that we are constantly releasing new versions of our code to users -- we may deploy a dozen times a day, all with a reasonable degree of confidence that everything will be fine, thanks to our automated tests. If something doesn't work, we can stop the process (or roll back, if the problem is detected post-deploy), and users will be protected from malfunctioning code. This requires that we write a battery of tests at every stage of the release process, however.

This automated workflow that allows rapid release of merged code is called continuous delivery or CD.