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Project Teardown Guide

When a project reaches the end of its lifetime and the client doesn't want to continue it, we need to teardown all the infrastructure we've created for the project -- sometimes on relatively short notice. This guide is intended to provide a step-by-step procedure for tearing down infrastructure we've created for a project and highlight any potential sources of trouble.

Terraform and AWS

Your first task should be shutting down all the AWS infrastructure you've built for your project. When you do this, you'll need to proceed in basically the reverse order you created all the resources. Here are some guidelines when tearing down Terraform namespaces:

  • Tear down accounts that don't hold resources for organization-wide purposes first -- leave your infra, id, and org-root accounts for last.

  • If you were using Atlantis to maintain a namespace, and you have this component in your backend configuration:

    role_arn       = "arn:aws:iam::123456789000:role/atlantis"

    Then before you begin tearing down that namespace, you need to remove this line, run a terraform apply, and then do your terraform destroy. If you do not do this, then your destroy will fail and the state will become corrupted because you will destroy the role Terraform is using to perform the destroy. Doing the terraform apply allows Terraform to cleanly change the backend configuration first.

  • Similarly, when tearing down the admin-global namespace, you should change your .aws/config profile for the account you're destroying to use the OrganizationAccountAccessRole with the org-root account as the source_profile. This prevents you from having the same problem when your admin role is destroyed.

  • Do not destroy resources in the admin-global namespace until all other namespaces for the account except the bootstrap namespace have been torn down. Don't destroy bootstrap until admin-global has been torn down.

  • When you are ready to tear down the org-root account, create an IAM user without Terraform, give it credentials and attach an MFA, and change your org-root profile to use those credentials. This will allow you to cleanly tear down the entire org-root account safely, otherwise you will delete the IAM user you are using to tear down the account in the middle of the destroy and corrupt the state.

  • It's easiest to wait until all resources in all your accounts are destroyed to begin closing accounts; this will remove all the organization SCPs and let you remove accounts from the organization as you go.

  • If your organization has an SCP applied to OUs which restricts editing billing data (which is a common practice for Truss), you will need to remove that SCP from accounts you're attempting to close first. You can do this either by removing the SCP from the affected OU or moving the account out of the affected OU.

  • In order to completely close an account (aside from the org-root account), you'll need to go through the password recovery procedure for the root user account (ie, you need to try to log in with the email address for the account and click the "Forgot Password" link), then set up billing information for the account. Once you have done that, you can safely remove the account from the AWS Organization (either from the console or using the CLI) and then close it from the My Account panel.

SSL certificates

For most projects, we'll hopefully be able to use AWS ACM certificates, and those will get torn down with our Terraform teardown above. However, if we've bought additional SSL certificates through another vendor, such as SSLMate, we should revoke those certificates and close that account as well.


Assuming you've used CircleCI for your CI/CD pipeline on the project, you should be able to just terminate your CircleCI support plan as soon as you don't need to do anymore deploys or validate code. You can do this from the "Project Settings" page on the CircleCI dashboard.


Once you've torn down your AWS infrastructure and CircleCI, you can shutdown your GitHub organization for the project. Here are the guidelines for taking down your GitHub organization:

  • Make sure the client has been able to make an archive of all repositories before you do anything else. Code we build for a client belongs to them, so we need to ensure they are able to keep a copy.
  • If we are allowed (this varies based on the terms of the contract), we should make sure we keep an archive of any code repositories we want to retain.
  • Delete any GitHub users that were created for CI/CD automation or other purposes. These are commonly created to allow CI/CD to access private repositories.
  • Once the above steps have been completed, you can go into the settings for the GitHub organization and close it down. This will delete all repositories in the organization, so make sure you're ready for that before you do this.


Deleting your 1Password account and vault for the project should be the very last thing you do. This is (hopefully) where you've kept all your credentials for services, software, and accounts that this project uses, so getting rid of this makes it extremely difficult to clean up anything else you were using for your project. We recommend that you carefully review the previous steps of this guide and look at the credentials kept in 1Password to ensure that you've closed down everything else that you are relying on 1Password for.