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TypeScript Resources

This is a list of resources helpful when learning TypeScript. This guide assumes a working knowledge of Javascript and is mainly intended as an onboarding from Javascript to Typescript. Most Javascript concepts and principles apply to Typescript, but Typescript includes a bit of extra “special sauce” that will be unfamiliar. The following resources are intended to get you a bit more comfortable writing Typescript code.


Learn TypeScript in 50 Minutes - Tutorial for Beginners

This video goes over some of the basics of Typescript. It’s great for those who enjoy learning by watching videos/tutorials. You might be able to get by at watching at 1.5x speed.

TypeScript and React

This is a primer on using Typescript with React.

Redux - Usage with Typescript

This is a link to the official Redux docs. It provides great info on how to incorporate type checking with Redux.

TypeScript Patterns

This blog post goes over some Typescript patterns or “best practices” way of doing things. It touches on plain Typescript patterns as well as React Specific patterns.

Type aliases vs. interfaces in Typescript-based React apps

This link might be helpful in de-mystifying the differences between Type aliases and interfaces.

React + Typescript Cheatsheet

This repository contains a lot of examples of Typescript syntax in different scenarios with React.

Composing React Components with Typescript

This link has a basic step-by-step example of Typescript with React. It also touches upon React patterns such as HOC and render props.